
For us as a digital agency and branding agency, web design and user experience belong together. This is the only way to ensure consistency in logic, design and application at the various digital touchpoints. It is more the rule than the exception that the corporate website and, for example, a web store, an app or an HMI look different. However, consistency in logic and design is important for the user. Because this consistency builds lasting brand trust.

Form follows function.

For us as a B2B digital agency, a well thought-out web design goes far beyond purely aesthetic aspects. A good B2B web design should also fulfill a clear purpose. Form follows function is a principle that we follow consistently. This means that the design of a website or web application is always closely linked to its functionality.

Responsiveness for mobile users

The basis for good web design is “accessibility”. And by this we don’t just mean that a web application can be used by all users without restriction, regardless of their limitations or technical capabilities. For us, accessibility also means, above all, how easy the website is to use on different end devices, in different browsers and at different scales. Mobile-first, social-sharing-friendly and responsive are not just buzzwords for us. A good web design must ensure that a website functions optimally on different screen sizes and device types. This is not only important for the user experience, but also for search engine optimization (SEO), as Google and other search engines prefer mobile-friendly websites.

User experience (UX) and brand experience as top priority

The user experience is the be-all and end-all of a successful website, as it plays a key role in how visitors perceive and interact with a website or web application.

Today, the website is the nucleus of communication. It conveys a holistic image across all levels: Image communication (identity), product communication, sales communication, applicant communication, corporate communication (financial market, sustainability, social responsibility). It is therefore also the central element of the brand experience.

For us as a B2B digital agency and branding agency, the web design must make the brand and its vision tangible, recognizable and tangible. A good web design must fulfill the brand promise. A good user experience (UX) has a positive effect on the brand experience.


The usability of a website or web application has a significant influence on how easily users can navigate it. This starts with a clearly understandable page architecture with different entry points tailored to needs and target groups, continues with a content architecture per page with easy-to-read fonts, as well as headlines, images, animations and flowcharts that shape the reading flow and ends with intuitively placed call-to-actions that increase the time spent on a website and support lead generation.

At first glance, page speed does not necessarily seem to have anything to do with the web design of a website. In reality, however, the web design and the front-end development based on it have a direct influence on the speed of a website through the quantity and type of integration of images, animations and videos, for example. And this in turn is crucial for user-friendliness, for SEO and for avoiding bounce rates.

Page speed

Navigation structure and content architecture

A clever navigation structure and content architecture are essential. Anyone who has ever looked for their car in a parking garage knows how important visitor guidance is. A good web design supports the user so that they can easily find the information relevant to them along the customer journey.

70% of all B2B users use a company’s website as a source of content. The website is often one of the first touchpoints along the customer journey. The brand design of a brand, i.e. its unique visual identity, creates trust. As a B2B branding and digital agency, our aim is to develop a web design based on brand design that creates a strong emotional connection to the brand for customers and applicants and clearly differentiates the B2B brand from its competitors.

Brand Design

Web design with vision

Our web designs are always clear, simple and user-friendly, so that the design can also be used for later applications. Especially at the beginning, foresight is required. We have that. We combine design insights and trends with requirements and functions as well as classic software screen design. The user experience, i.e. user behavior and expectations, play a decisive role!

Digital style guide – free space instead of pixel-perfect specifications

Developing the digital brand presence in its entirety is one thing. The other is to make this knowledge available to everyone who is entrusted with the company’s digital communication. This is why there is a style guide, an extension of the classic corporate design guide.

The digital style guide describes the basic constants, i.e. logo applications, colors, fonts, principles of the relational basic design grid, recurring design constants, styling and visual language as well as tonality and wording. Naturally with the necessary freedom to ensure that the digital brand can be interpreted well in numerous applications. The digital style guide also reflects the visual brand perception and desired brand experiences across the various customer touchpoints. An approach that illustrates the value of continuous digital brand management in a different form.

In the B2B branding and digital agency, we create the basis for digital brand management with our understanding of design in combination with in-depth knowledge of the technology and the implementation options behind it. Our team includes web designers, usability specialists and developers as well as experts in multimedia animation and 3D, video and sound. Digital encompasses more than just web and screen applications. It also includes video branding, audio branding, 3D branding and design ideas for augmented and virtual reality.

For us, design and technology go hand in hand – always with the understanding that design supports function, form follows function.

The digital style guide is an extension of the classic corporate design guide and sets out the guidelines for all digital communication.

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