Employer Value Proposition

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is a company’s unique promise as an employer that attracts skilled workers and promotes employee retention. It is an indispensable tool for establishing oneself as a top employer in the long term.

It builds on strengths and unique selling points.

Why is the employer value proposition important?

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is a central component of employer branding and describes the promise that a company makes to its employees as an employer across all locations. It is the tailor-made message that highlights the uniqueness of the company as a B2B brand as well as an employer and increases employee motivation. In industrial companies and international B2B markets, the EVP plays a particularly important role, as competition for talented professionals is intense and an attractive employer proposition can be crucial. Developing a convincing EVP requires careful analysis and strategic planning.

These are the most important steps that we, as a branding agency, accompany in an advisory and moderating capacity in order to develop an individual Employer Value Proposition for B2B companies:

  1. Internal analysis: The first step is to understand the strengths and special features of the company as an employer. This includes corporate culture, working conditions, development opportunities, social benefits and other aspects that influence employee retention:
  2. Target group analysis: A PIP must be tailored to the needs and expectations of the target group. In international B2B markets, there may be the same target groups such as engineers, technicians or production, sales and service staff. But the cultural imprints and expectations of an employer can be different internationally. Each target group in different locations may have specific employer requirements that need to be taken into account.
  3. Competitive analysis: In order to stand out from other employers, it is important to position the EVP also in comparison to competitors in order to differentiate. It is about the question: What makes one’s own company unique and attractive for potential employees compared to the competition?
  4. Formulation of the EVP: The EVP must be formulated clearly and concisely. It should do without empty words and generalities. Instead, it must cover the essential aspects of the employer’s offer and appeal to the target group. And it must have a close connection to the brand identity, the brand values and the brand positioning. The Employer Value Proposition is part of the same B2B company, the same industry brand, even if it mainly addresses other target groups.
  5. Communication: The EVP must be communicated internally and externally. All relevant stakeholders, such as employees, managers, applicants and the public, should recognise the EPP and draw positive conclusions from it.

How is an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) built up?

The EVP builds on the strengths and unique selling points of the company as an employer. Therefore, from the perspective of brand consulting and as a branding agency, it is important for us to repeatedly point out the connection between EVP and brand strategy, brand identity and brand positioning. Employer branding and employer value proposition are derived from the basic corporate and brand strategy.

The EVP can contain various elements that make the employer proposition attractive. On the one hand, there is the corporate culture, which can be emphasised and which, for example, is characterised by cohesion, innovation, diversity or other values. It should also be about development opportunities. After all, offering training and career development can be an important part of the EPP to attract professionals who are looking for long-term perspectives. Working conditions play a role depending on the type of work, country and culture. Flexible working hours and modern working time models, home office options or special benefits can be highlighted in the EVP. And then there is the international orientation. For international B2B markets, the global orientation of the company as well as international career opportunities can be of great importance and play a role in attracting and retaining skilled workers as well as talented junior staff.

Corporate culture,
development opportunities,
working conditions,

Introduction of the Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Introducing EVP requires a clear strategy and close cooperation between HR, corporate communications and management. Here are some steps from our experience as a branding agency to introduce EVP in the company:

  • Internal communication: Once an Employer Value Proposition has been developed for the first time or an existing one has been updated, employees naturally need to be informed. An internal campaign helps to raise awareness of the employer proposition. Satisfied employees are, after all, the best brand ambassadors.
  • Integration into HR processes: The key aspects of EVP must be integrated into all relevant HR processes, starting with recruitment and ending with employee development.
  • External communication: The EVP is also part of the external communication. It provides the content to inform applicants and the public about the attractive employer offer. And it is the promise against which the employer brand must be measured.
  • Measurement and feedback: The impact of the employer value proposition must be measured and evaluated regularly. Employee and applicant surveys help to collect feedback and continuously improve the EVP.

Brand identity, employer value proposition and employer brand

Applicants increasingly value a company’s reputation as an employer. Therefore, both EVP and employer brand appearance are crucial. When B2B companies live up to their EVP and deliver on the promise made to employees, it strengthens engagement and trust in the employer. Furthermore, current employees become the best possible ambassadors for the company. As a branding agency, we accompany these processes.

Die Infografik der B2B-Agentur INCREON zeigt die Abgrenzung der Employer Value Proposition (EVP) gegenüber Markenidentiät und Employer Brand | INCREON

This is why you need an Employer Value Proposition

In industrial companies and international B2B markets, the battle for talented professionals is a decisive factor for corporate success. A convincing EVP serves as a powerful tool to position oneself as an attractive employer and attract the best talent. A clear EVP increases employee satisfaction, increases employee retention and reduces turnover. It also helps to promote the corporate culture and strengthen the company’s image as an employer. An EVP is thus an indispensable tool for establishing oneself as a top employer in the industry and in international B2B markets in the long term.


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